Meet the IM Certified®
Facilitator Team


Our team of IM Certified® facilitators includes talented math educators from across the United States, representing a variety of grade levels, teaching experiences, and learning environments.
Read the facilitators’ bios below and learn more about the skilled educators who lead IM Certified® Professional Learning and support teachers as they implement IM K–12 Math.
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IMCFs listed with this icon are available to provide independent consulting work to schools/districts. Although the facilitators work as IMCFs on behalf of IM, any contracted work with facilitators listed on this page outside of IM would be independent and separate from IM.
- All
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin

Adrian Cunard
Adrian began her career in education as a first-grade teacher in 1989 and served most recently as a teacher educator at the University of Washington in Seattle. After many years as a classroom teacher and instructional coach, Adrian returned to school to earn a PhD in Mathematics Teacher Education. She has supported pre-service and in-service teacher learning for nearly two decades and is especially passionate about helping teachers see themselves and their students as mathematically powerful. Adrian loves to cook, is an avid reader, and is the mother of college-age twins.

Amanda Peterson
Amanda discovered her passion for teaching while playing school with her cousins as a child. She pursued this passion in Danbury, Connecticut, where she spent twelve years as a high school mathematics teacher and recently assumed a new role as a middle school STEM coach. She has worked on state and local curriculum initiatives, is a board member of her state NCTM affiliate, and has participated in many grants such as the Better Math Teaching Network, and is pursuing a PhD in Instructional Leadership. Amanda’s personal goal is to help students understand, appreciate, and make connections throughout mathematics in the most engaging ways possible. Some of her favorite hobbies are skiing in the winter and fishing in the summer, and she loves anything to do with llamas.

Amy Hancock
Amy began her teaching career in Shenzhen, China, and now teaches high school math in Richland, Washington. A National Board Certified Teacher, she has worked with national leaders in math education and led algebra professional learning communities for many years. Amy is a firm believer that all students can be successful in mathematics and is committed to using innovative approaches to build skills and confidence in students who have a history of struggles in math. When Amy is not developing future mathematicians, she coaches color-guard at her high school and enjoys spending time with her three young children.

Amy Jaster
Amy Jaster began her career in education as a fifth grade teacher in Columbus, OH. Throughout her career, she has taught grades 3-6 and served as an instructional coach for grades K-5 in Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado. Developing conceptual understanding for students and teachers is an area she is deeply committed to. One of the areas she focuses on is equitable math practices by elevating student voice and providing access to high-quality grade level instruction for all students. One of her most powerful experiences as a math teacher is watching students develop joy and a love of learning for math. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and training her therapy dog, Jedi.

Amy Kolb
Amy has been a high school and middle school math teacher in Frankenmuth, Michigan, since 2000. Aleader in her local math education community, she was selected to participate in the math specialist program at Saginaw Valley State University. She spent two years studying best practices in math education before going on to serve as a mentor to future participants. She is most passionate about developing meaningful co-teaching partnerships in special education classes. Amy believes that all students are capable of learning to high levels and is committed to working with others who share this belief. In her spare time, Amy is an avid runner and has recently learned to scuba dive.

Annette Louk
Annette has been an Iowa educator for more than 30 years. She most recently served as a consultant with the Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency and as an instructor for the University of Northern Iowa. In 2000, Annette became the Iowa Elementary Mathematics Awardee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and also became Nationally Board Certified in Early Adolescent Mathematics. She currently teaches Making Sense of Mathematics and Teaching, a series of courses for DoDea Impact schools through the University of Northern Iowa. She has had the opportunity to teach this course series in Iowa, Illinois, and Hawaii. Annette is passionate about supporting educators and students in understanding mathematics and viewing themselves as mathematicians. In her free time, Annette enjoys golfing with her family, geocaching to learn about and explore new places, and reading historical fiction novels.

Annie Smith
Annie has dedicated 20 years to education, initially as an elementary school teacher and for the last five years as a K-5 instructional math coach. She has been honored with the Mari Muri Award for her outstanding commitment to the mathematics community in Connecticut and the National Zeal Education Award for her dedication to improving educational outcomes and promoting equity. Her enduring passion for math stems from a powerful memory as a student when her teacher declared, "I won't lower the bar for you, but I'll help you reach it," inspiring her belief in the importance of agency and identity in quality math instruction. Fun fact: Annie and her mom both have five sisters, and her grandmother has five brothers!

Annika Sterling
Annika Sterling began her teaching career as a prekindergarten teacher in Brooklyn, NY. She has taught grades K-5 while serving as an early intervention specialist for virtual and in-person students. Her drive to further assist her students with their mathematical thinking led her to gain an endorsement in mathematics. Annika has earned recognition as Teacher of the Year and Technology Teacher of the Year. She believes that every student can learn and will learn, just at different paces. Outside the classroom, she enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, and meeting new people.

Brendan Scribner
Brendan S. began his career in education as a middle school math teacher in Vermont in 1998, and is presently a fourth-grade classroom teacher in Hanover, New Hampshire. He earned an MA in the Science of Teaching Mathematics from the Vermont Math Initiative. As a passionate classroom educator, he strives to be a mathematical identity builder with a keen focus on learning experiences that cultivate wonder and joy, and reveal the beauty of mathematics for all. Brendan also supports educators as a consultant with Exemplars Mathematics, with a strong commitment to building contextually relevant problem solving into established curriculums. An area of particular importance in his work is the power of productive discourse and how talk moves within a classroom. When he is not immersed in his work as an educator, he enjoys cycling, hiking, skiing, leisure travel, and crafting unique wood products.

Bronwyn Gilmore
Bronwyn began her career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. She taught Pre-K, second-, fifth-, and eighth-grade students. She later became a math content leader for grades 3–8, then a 6–8 math coach. Currently, Bronwyn is the Middle School Assistant Principal at a charter school in New Orleans, LA. During the beginning of the pandemic, she worked with School Kit Group as a content writer and adapted Illustrative Mathematics’ eighth-grade lessons for School Kit’s video learning series, which partnered with Louisiana Public Broadcasting and PBS. In addition, she also recorded many of the eighth-grade video lessons for the project, which helped support distance learning across Louisiana and beyond. Her passion for math stems from her experience with both private and public schools in New Orleans and the inequitable access to highly qualified math teachers within the public school system. She sought to use her mathematics degree to provide high-quality instruction to underserved students in her city. In her spare time, Bronwyn enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, and catching up on her latest shows.

Cara Littlefield
Cara began her career in San Diego, CA, where she served as a middle school math teacher, math coach, and member of the district math leadership team. She is now an education consultant in the Washington, D.C. area. During her time in San Diego, she honed her teaching skills while earning an MA in Inquiry Based Mathematics Education. She also had the honor of working for the world-class project-based learning school, High Tech High. Based on her work at HTH, she was recruited to bring her knowledge of math education and project-based learning to the UK, where she served as an education consultant for The Innovation Unit, ltd. Cara strongly believes that every child can build a deep understanding of math. She advocates providing a student-centered, active, inquiry-based learning approach that teaches children important questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. When she is not immersed in the world of math education, her favorite thing to do is spend time with her dog, Guinness.

Cathy Shide
Cathy began her career teaching middle school and currently is a consultant and math coach for several public school districts in Illinois. She served on the state committee to develop and deliver professional development of the Common Core state standards. Her vast experience and training in mathematics, assessment, and differentiation has been shared with schools and teachers in the Midwest. The greatest accomplishment is when students tell her “You should be a math teacher!” Her passion is to help all students develop their math power, to see mathematics as useful and fun. In her free time, Cathy loves spending time with her grandchildren and riding her horses.

Chelsie Sturdivant
Chelsie began her teaching experience in middle school, teaching grades 6 and 7. She is now a district K-12 math curriculum specialist. Chelsie is a National Board Certified teacher and has been a regional math specialist in Northwest Arkansas, supporting math pedagogy and curriculum. She is passionate about providing rigorous on grade level instruction for all students. Outside of school or math education, she loves to read, crossfit, spend time with her family, and watch all sports.

Cheryl Fricchione
Cheryl began her career in education as a computer teacher in Perth Amboy, NJ, but quickly realized that math was her true love. A former middle school math teacher and elementary math coach, Cheryl is now an independent consultant providing professional development, coaching, and demo lessons to K–8 teachers nationwide. After earning her MS in Mathematics Learning and Teaching, Cheryl was part of an NSF-funded grant aimed at improving math teachers’ ability to formatively assess students’ understanding and provide appropriate and valuable feedback.
Cheryl believes that when students become active doers rather than passive consumers, the greatest learning gains can be realized. She also believes that in order to teach in powerful and empowering ways, teachers must first have experienced learning in powerful and empowering ways. A fun fact about Cheryl is that she appeared on TV with The Fonz during the Statue of Liberty’s Centennial celebration.

Christine Collins
Christine began her career in education as a fifth grade dual-language math and science teacher in Dallas, Texas. Currently, she is the district math specialist overseeing all K–12 math curriculum, as well as offerings and materials. She creates and facilitates valuable professional development targeting her passions of standards alignment and content knowledge. After her dual-language experience, Christine has become a champion for equity in math and science education. She firmly believes students of all ethnicities should have the same opportunities and experiences with high-quality instruction. When she is not working, Christine enjoys spending time with her children, painting, and singing karaoke.

Christy Vehe
Christy began her career as a middle and high school math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. She is currently the director of mathematics and science for grades 6–12 in a large, diverse suburban school district. During her time as a high school math department chair she obtained her national board certification. Christy is passionate about challenging the traditional thinking that students learn best by watching and memorizing because she believes that every student deserves the opportunity to question, wonder, and analyze tasks that they are presented with in order to make connections on a day to day basis. When taking a break, Christy enjoys swimming, biking, running, and spending time with her family.

Claire Wambold
Claire Wambold began teaching middle school math in Albuquerque, NM, before moving to the Seattle area. She has since taught all levels of high school math and middle school math and served as a secondary mathematics facilitator for her district, became a National Board Certified teacher, and even presented at regional NCTM conferences. Claire is passionate about high-quality, engaging, and joyful mathematics education for all students because of the many pathways it can reveal for young people as they forge their way forward. When Claire is not teaching or striving to improve math education, she spends time outside in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her Labrador retriever or waits out the rain with a jigsaw puzzle.

Colleen Smyth
Colleen began her teaching career as a middle school math teacher in Nashville, TN, and now teaches high school math in her hometown of Portland, OR. She has an MS in data science and has been active in the data science education field, including serving on the launch committee for the inaugural Data Science Education K-12: Research to Practice Conference. Colleen grew up not seeing herself as a "math person" and is passionate about supporting students experiencing the same struggle connecting with rich mathematics. In her spare time,Colleen enjoys supporting her beloved Portland Trail Blazers, playing board games, and spending time in nature.

Courtney Michalak
I began teaching Algebra 2 in Louisville, KY, and continued there for five years. I started teaching Algebra 1 in 2015 in Dayton, OH. I am still at the same school, teaching Algebra 1 and Statistics & Probability. I am also co-chair of the mathematics department and leader of the Algebra 1 Team. I am passionate about student learning in mathematics, especially hearing student voices in the classroom. I believe collaborative mathematics instruction elevates student learning as they work to communicate mathematical ideas with their peers. My hobbies include playing with my children, quilting, running, embroidery, and cooking for my family.

Courtney Ortega
Courtney Ortega is a National Board Certified teacher and taught math and science in middle schools and high schools across the Bay Area before transitioning to district leadership. She is currently the secondary math coordinator for the Oakland Unified School District in California. Courtney has developed professional learning systems grounded in lesson study, the TRU math framework, and site-based content coaching. She believes in nurturing collaborative structures that empower teams of teachers to engage in student-centered inquiry. Outside of her work in education, Courtney enjoys dancing, reading, and spending time with her husband and son.

Crystal Cammon
Crystal Cammon began her career as an elementary teacher in 1997 in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and is currently the district mathematics instructional coach. An accomplished professional learning facilitator, she has shared her expertise at various prestigious conferences, including National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the California Mathematics Council (CMC)–South, and the Computer Using Educators, Inc (CUE). Crystal earned her MA in teaching and learning with technology, received recognition as a San Bernardino County Teacher of the Year, and has spearheaded multiple district initiatives focused on curriculum adoption, implementation, and professional development. Passionate about fostering engaging math communities, Crystal encourages risk taking, collaboration, and problem solving among students of diverse backgrounds. Beyond her professional life, she loves cycling, being a dedicated baseball mom, and cherishing time spent with her grandchildren and three rescue fur babies.

Dan Ilaria
Dan began his career as a middle school mathematics teacher in New Jersey. After teaching high school and serving as a district supervisor, he became a teacher educator at the university level. Dan enjoys presenting at conferences and working as an instructional coach to learn with teachers around the country.
Dan is passionate about mathematics education because it is so important for all students to be successful in mathematics to be successful in life. Outside of work, Dan enjoys spending time with his family.

Daniel Kaufmann
Daniel began his career teaching high school mathematics. For the past several years he has served as the K–12 mathematics instructional coach and the 6–12 mathematics department chair for the Wilson School District. Daniel’s passion for instruction, assessment, effective technology integration, and leadership has given him the opportunity to present throughout the country and at conferences such as ISTE, PCTM, PETE&C, and NCTM. Daniel believes that all students deserve access to a challenging curriculum that engages them in discourse, promotes collaboration, and emphasizes process over product. Outside of the classroom, Daniel enjoys spending time with his family. They tent camp frequently throughout the Northeast. On rare occasions, you can find Daniel playing disc golf at the local courses.

Danielle Seabold
Danielle S. began her career teaching high school math and physics in Kalamazoo, MI. She had the privilege of consulting with the Charles A. Dana Center in Austin, TX, where she co-authored the Academic Youth Development program, seeking to transform mathematics education for students. Later, she returned to Michigan as a regional mathematics consultant and coach. Danielle currently serves as lead consultant and instructional coach for Bold Educational Consulting, partnering with educators and their administrators across the region, state, and nation in recognizing and removing inequities in students’ formal educational experiences to help realize the power of mathematics for all students. Danielle is committed to further developing her abilities to recognize, respond to, and eradicate biased, racist systems within her spheres of influence. She also enjoys fostering puppies from a local shelter with her kids, traveling, and in her spare time, focusing on home design, renovation, and landscaping.

Darice Prater
Darice Prater began her teaching career in third grade 27 years ago in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, GA. Since then, she has taught grades 1-5 as a regular homeroom teacher and as an early intervention prevention lead teacher to help close students’ learning gaps. She has also served as lead mentor for new teachers to support their growth and success in the teaching profession. She believes all students are capable of learning and enjoying mathematics when teachers create a positive learning environment that celebrates and builds on students’ small successes to create larger accomplishments. Darice enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling to beach destinations.

David Lyon
Dave began his career as a high school mathematics teacher in North St. Paul, MN. In his role as a secondary content specialist, he supports the implementation of Illustrative Mathematics at the high school level by facilitating professional learning communities and co-teaching in the classroom. He has provided leadership in programs to support students’ successful transition to high school. He also supported teachers and students in the development of college-level statistics curriculum in high schools around the country through professional development. Dave has seen the dramatic outcomes when a classroom fosters a mindset in which every student can learn and enjoy mathematics at the highest level. Outside of the classroom, Dave is a BBQ and cooking enthusiast who enjoys spending time with family and friends outside when the Minnesota weather allows.

David Sword
David began his career as a high school math teacher, spending 20 years in the classroom before moving to a leadership and support role as a mathematics consultant at Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency in Wayne County, Michigan, providing support to 32 independent school districts and over 100 independent charter school academies. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Wayne State University, and he has delivered professional development throughout the country on the effective use of graphing calculators as a T3 National Instructor. David is very passionate about the teaching and learning of mathematics, and he believes that everyone can know, do, and enjoy math if given access to high-quality curriculum and instruction. David loves to spend time with his family, playing board games, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and playing guitar and singing on his church worship team.

Debbie Vitale
Debbie began her career as a fourth-grade teacher in Arlington, VA, and then became a K–12 math specialist. After a move to Annapolis, MD, she became a K–5 math specialist and eventually the elementary mathematics supervisor. Now, living in Connecticut, she has been a K–5 math coach for the past 10 years. Debbie has helped author assessment items at the state and national level and worked on the 2005 NAEP Mathematics Framework. She enjoys leading professional learning sessions and working collaboratively with teachers to unpack content and plan rigorous instructional activities. She is passionate about helping others to find the beauty and joy in mathematics, as well as creating opportunities for all students to have access to high-quality instructional materials. When she isn’t teaching, Debbie enjoys spending time with her family, walking with her dog along the Farmington River, playing board games, and reading.

Elise Archibald
Elise began her career as an elementary classroom teacher and is currently a math coach for the Consolidated School District of New Britain in Connecticut. As a coach, Elise collaborates with teachers, supporting them in delivering rigorous problem-based instruction. She is a CT State Network Educator, having contributed to Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers and SBAC task analyses. Elise is the co-founder of the Connecticut Illustrative Mathematics Consortium and currently serves on the board for the Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics. Elise’s “aha” moment came as a third-grade teacher, when she discovered the meaning of a square root by building square numbers with her students. She is committed to helping all learners experience that “aha” moment by tapping into their creativity and engaging in rich and relevant math tasks. In her spare time, Elise makes jewelry, gardens, and dominates the microphone in karaoke.

Ella Hereth
Ella began her career teaching seventh grade math to students in Indianapolis Public Schools and still works there—now as a middle school high ability math coordinator. Ella is most proud of her work to help her school and district shift to a problem-centered approach to teaching math. Ella helped her district launch Illustrative Mathematics at the middle school level and has significant experience with urban schools and English language learners. She is a strong believer in what this curriculum can do for students. In her spare time, she loves growing native plants in her home garden and hiking.

Eric Partridge
Eric P. is currently a PhD candidate in math education at the University of Missouri. Prior to moving to Columbia, he completed his teacher training through the Seattle Teacher Residency and taught for five years across two Title I schools in the Seattle Public Schools. As a third, fourth, and fifth grade teacher, his instruction centered around student thinking and honored all contributions to combat traditional status dynamics in mathematics. Eric decided to pursue a PhD to think more about how elementary teachers can be prepared and supported to do student-centered, equity-minded, conceptual math instruction consistently at scale. Outside of education, Eric enjoys running, choral singing, traveling, watching sports, and attending musicals.

Greta Anderson
Greta has been teaching and supporting mathematics in New Orleans, Louisiana, since 2005 and has an MA in Instructional Leadership in Mathematics. Greta has been working on the Illustrative Mathematics team as a task writer and reviewer since 2012 and is an alumna of Park City Mathematics Institute and the Dana Center’s International Facilitation Fellowship. She now works as a professional learning facilitator for the 6–8 Illustrative Mathematics curriculum and with Achievement First in helping schools around the country adopt math story problem protocols grounded in the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions. Greta believes that all students and teachers can fall in love with mathematics given the right tasks. Outside of her work in mathematics, Greta plays volleyball, gives her dog belly rubs, and enjoys the endless beauty of New Orleans.

Griselda Lopez-Mendez
Griselda began her career in NYC after joining Teach for America. She is currently in her twelfth year and serves as STEM lead for her school, as well as third-grade math teacher. Through the years, she has taught grades 1–4, which has given her a wide range of knowledge, along with an understanding of how all the math standards are interconnected. She has been a math specialist for the past five years and loves seeing students apply their reasoning and problem solving skills to many subjects beyond math. When she is not teaching or learning, she loves playing with her kids and reading!

Heather Palumbo
Heather began her career as a K–5 teacher in Phoenix, AZ. In her 20 years in education, Heather has worked as a K–8 math coach, English language specialist, and district elementary mathematics coordinator. As the mathematics coordinator in Aurora, CO, she was a co-creator of the district’s first ever K–12 Mathematics Teaching and Learning Framework. Heather has developed and delivered professional development, coaching, and consulting around math standards, workshop models, and equitable teaching practices in multiple schools and districts. She holds an MA in both Educational Leadership and Linguistically Diverse Education. Heather passionately works to ensure every child has access to a rigorous, high-quality mathematics education regardless of their race, culture, language, or socio-economic status. As a leader, she looks at systems and practices through an equity lens and demonstrates her commitment to the welfare and achievement of all students. When she is not immersed in her work as an educator, Heather enjoys exercising and spending time with her husband and two boys.

Jane Gaun
Jane Gaun began her career in mathematics education teaching middle school in Flagstaff, AZ, eventually moving into a district-wide position, the K-12 mathematics coordinator. In this role, she supported teachers to strengthen content knowledge and pedagogy while building a culture of inclusivity. She served on the founding board of the Arizona Mathematics Leaders, an NCSM affiliate, holding many positions including president. She has presented at mathematics conferences, is a champion for the US Math Recovery Council, and has facilitated professional learning in mathematics with a variety of teams. Jane believes that building a safe and connected community of learners is a prerequisite to effective teaching and learning and that this connection paves the way to more equitable and deeper learning for all students. Jane enjoys hiking the mountains and canyons of the Southwest and reading and relaxing at the beach.

Janelle Payne
Janelle Payne is currently a math instructional coach for Teacher Lab in Charlotte, NC. Her experiences include teaching kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade before leading her school’s K-4 math department as an assistant school leader for four years in Newark, NJ. She has extensively focused on building teachers’ content knowledge of common core standards. She has a passion for coaching teachers and leaders around equity, differentiation, effective curriculum implementation, and data analysis. She believes that math is the pathway to having equitable outcomes in students' futures. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family and friends, being involved in her church ministries, watching sports, and cooking.

Jen Hawkins
Jen is a math consultant who works with teachers and curriculum project teams to promote mathematics education. She was the pilot coordinator for the Illustrative Mathematics Elementary Curriculum project and a writer for IM Explorations. She has a BA in Elementary Education with a concentration in Mathematics from the University of the Virgin Islands and an MA in Teaching Mathematics from Mount Holyoke College. She has worked as a teacher (12 years) and as a math coach (5 years) in elementary schools and middle schools in both the Caribbean and in Massachusetts. For a number of years, she left the classroom to focus on her passion for assessment, working at the Massachusetts DESE on the Mathematics MCAS test, first as a test developer and then as the administrator. She believes mathematics is a language of quantity and shape that everyone, with the right resources and support, can appreciate and enjoy. She loves to travel, collect vintage wares, and dance to great music.

Jen Overley
Jen began her career teaching grades K–5. After 17 years, she became a district math coordinator supporting grades K–8. Jenmoved back to the classroom, teaching sixth-grade for two years, until her most recent role as a math coach in a K–5 school. Outside of her district role, she is active in Colorado’s Council of Teachers of Mathematics as regional representative and conference chair, facilitates the Add+Vantage Math courses through the Math Recovery Council, and partners with local universities to bring the most up-to-date research in best practices to her district. She considers her efforts to bring more equitable math experiences to all of her students through de-tracking and supporting teachers with rich and growth-minded resources to be the most impactful work of her teaching career. She loves spending time in the mountains with family and friends whenever she can.

Jenni Thompson
Jenni began her teaching career teaching math to sixth- and seventh-graders. She won first-year teacher of the year and went on to get her MA in Educational Technology as well as achieve National Boards in Early Adolescence/Mathematics. Jenniis currently a math facilitator for a local middle school in Charlotte, NC, where she specializes in assisting math teachers with the conceptual understanding of math and how to best engage students.
Jenni is passionate about math education because for most of her educational years, people were labeled as math people and non-math people. She believes everyone has it in them to understand math, and it’s her goal to help students achieve this. In her spare time, Jenni enjoys shopping, cooking, being near the water, and chasing her three kids and golden retriever around.

Jessica Novakowski
Jessica began her teaching career in Kentucky after receiving her MA in Curriculum and Instruction at age 23. She then moved to Illinois, where she taught kindergarten and grades 2–4 before becoming a math coach. Utilizing her next MA in Mathematics Education, Jessica developed and facilitated a wide variety of professional development sessions specializing in kindergarten and how best to support our youngest learners. Co-teaching and collaborating with teachers has been a highlight of her career, all while implementing the Illustrative Math curriculum. After knowing so many people in her life who just “weren’t math people,” Jessica found a passion in mathematics education, helping all learners (teachers and students alike) to love, enjoy, and see themselves as “math people!” When Jessica is not trying to instill a love of math in all people, she is most likely to be found reading a book with an iced coffee!

Joe Herbert
Joe began teaching as a math for America DC fellow and later master teacher. He has extensive experience teaching students from diverse linguistic backgrounds, including students who are newcomers to the US and students with interrupted formal education. Joe believes in finding and elevating the mathematical brilliance of every child and is passionate about helping teachers view all students from a strengths-based framework.
He is also committed to his own continued learning and growth and has attended the Teacher Leadership Program at the Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI), as well as numerous conferences of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Joe can frequently be found learning with other teachers on Twitter, using the hashtags #MTBoS (Math-Twitter-Blog-o-Sphere) and #ClearTheAir (a community of educators committed to equity and social justice).

Julie Puzon
Julie began her career in education as a middle school math teacher. She went on to be part of a team that opened two new campuses on the South Side of Chicago, where she was the math instructional coach and then the principal. She has since moved to Colorado to continue to support school principals and leadership teams in instructional practices that allow all students to receive the rigorous mathematics instruction they deserve. She firmly believes that all students can achieve the demand of the standards and that it is the responsibility of educators to provide that for them. In her free time, Julie can usually be found hiking or skiing in the mountains.

Kaitlin (Kait) Souza
Kait is an experienced educator who currently coaches mathematics at an elementary school in Cambridge, MA. Prior to her coaching role, she spent nearly a decade in elementary and middle school classrooms focusing primarily on math and science. Kait thrives on collaboration, partnering closely with teachers and families to optimize student success in math education. She passionately believes that every student deserves access to rich and joyful mathematics experiences at their grade level. Valuing trust and vulnerability, she creates a safe learning environment for everyone. She revels in those "ah-ha" moments, whether they occur with teachers, students, or families; she loves when students realize all that they are capable of and are able to discover through their own sense making and problem solving. Beyond her professional endeavors, Kait enjoys cooking up new recipes and going on long walks in the woods with her dog.

Kaneka Turner
Kaneka is a learning enthusiast! Her greatest joy is coming to understand and reside in the space where confusion meets clarity. She designs and facilitates professional learning experiences for local school districts across North Carolina. Kaneka served Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for 18 years as a classroom teacher, building math coach, Title I math specialist, and district math specialist, before leaving to work independently as a math consultant.
Kaneka is passionate about broadening the community of math learners to include the most unexpected and often rejected. She is pursuing this passion by teaching masters courses as a visiting instructor for Mount Holyoke’s Master of Arts in Math Teaching program, facilitating Investigations Workshops for Terc, and facilitating DMI workshops for local districts in need.

Keely Machmer-Wessels
Keely has taught mathematics to grades 7–16 and is a middle school math coach for Oakland Unified School District. She has a BS in Mathematics from Stanford University and a PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of New Hampshire, where her research focused on how novice mathematics teachers understand the Common Core Math Practices. Through coaching, PLCs, and district professional learning, Keely currently supports teachers to enact language routines and practices that engage all learners in math talk. She is passionate about creating opportunities for under-served student populations to have access to powerful mathematics learning.

Kelly Hutson
Kelly has been with the Syracuse City School District in New York since September of 2000, where she began as a middle school teacher prior to becoming an instructional coach in 2008. Kelly earned an MS in Mathematics Education from Syracuse University in 2006. She then earned her certificate of advanced studies at Syracuse University in 2016 and an EdD in Executive Leadership from St. John Fisher College in December 2021. Kelly has presented at several state and national conferences, including NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) and the Expeditionary Learning National Conference. She is passionate about providing students with high quality, engaging Tier I instruction, while also establishing a robust intervention program. In her limited spare time, Kelly enjoys reading and baking.

Kelly Rimer
Kelly has spent the last 25 years as an elementary classroom teacher. Currently an elementary math teacher in Abington, PA, she works with IM in her classroom. She has been an educational consultant for the last 18 years—sharing her enthusiasm for mathematics. Kelly believes collaboration is the key to a successful classroom and is passionate about supporting teachers. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters at the beach and walking her golden retrievers.

Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy began his career as a high school math teacher in Edison, NJ. He went on to become a kindergarten through eighth grade math coach in Newark, NJ, where he helped teachers effectively implement the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum by building up their pedagogical content knowledge. As the school's math coach, he hosted community engagement events, highlighting the importance of mathematics through engaging problem-solving group activities and games. Kevin believes all students hold endless possibilities if given sufficient opportunities to grow. He is dedicated to helping close opportunity gaps so students can realize their full potential. Outside the classroom, Kevin can be seen in the studio teaching students of all ages various styles of dance!

Kim Markworth
Kim began her teaching career as a fifth-grade math and science teacher in Massachusetts. After 10 years teaching fourth and fifth grades and eighth-grade math, Kim earned a PhD in Teacher Education. As a teacher educator at Western Washington University, Kim discovered a passion for developing and supporting mathematics curricula that enable all students to succeed. Kim loves to read, mountain bike, paddle board, and hike in and around her Pacific Northwest home.

Kristen Taylor
Kristen has been a teacher, instructional coach, curriculum coach, assistant principal, and a principal in urban districts and charter schools. She is currently an instructional coach who works with teachers and administrators to ensure that they are working for the benefit of all students in their care every day. Kristen has supported teachers at all levels from Pre-K–12 and administrators at grades Pre-K–8. Kristen knows that as a math teacher, the hard work is important, but all work doesn’t have to be hard. As a human being, Kristen loves to travel, hang out with fuzzy friends, and read fiction.

Kristine Hineman
Kristine began her career in education over 25 years ago as a high school mathematics teacher in Utica Community Schools, MI, where she also held the leadership role of system-wide chairperson. She is currently a K–12 mathematics education consultant for 226 public schools in Macomb County, MI, serving over 125,000 students. She develops and facilitates professional learning for mathematics educators and administrators in any capacity that advances STEM education at local, county, and state levels. Kristine is passionate about uniting teachers across all grade levels and content areas. Her goal is to provide long-term and ongoing change in classroom instructional strategies that raises student achievement. During her time away from education, she is passionate about spending time with family and friends.

Lana Montero
Lana Montero is the current K-8 math coach for Reading Public Schools, where she collaborates across five elementary schools and two middle schools, coaching teachers using Illustrative Mathematics K-6. Previously, she was an ELA and math coach for Dracut Public Schools from 2022-2023 for two years, after being a classroom teacher for grades 3-5 from 2015-2021. As a founding second grade teacher through Teach For America at a level 5 turnaround charter school and someone raised in a Spanish-speaking home, Lana loves to work in diverse environments and support all students. With a EdM from Boston University (2015) and a CAGS in educational leadership (2021), her passion for math equity drives her work and core values, believing all students should have access to an excellent education, no matter where they live. In her free time, Lana loves traveling with her three young children, husband, and another fellow teacher!

Lawrence Lee
Lawrence Lee served the first twenty years of his career as a junior high school classroom teacher before transitioning to his current role as a curriculum coordinator. He has also taught various college level classes as an adjunct professor in mathematics and mathematics education, specializing in utilizing technology to enhance learning. Although he has terminated his formal education with a doctorate in educational leadership, he continues to seek professional growth. Lawrence believes that, unlike some other disciplines, mathematics was not invented but discovered by people in the effort to make sense of the world. This is at the core of his philosophy of mathematics education: that teachers are to deliver opportunities for students to create their own understanding of the enduring principles of mathematics. Lawrence spends his free time with his wife and four daughters, while trying to read every novel written by Stephen King.

Libby Butler
Libby began her career in education as an AVID tutor during her undergraduate studies. She went on to teach high school math for 15 years but left classroom teaching when she found herself with more questions than answers. She completed a PhD, focusing on how school culture influences achievement for different subgroups in diverse schools. Today, she is a full-time instructional coach for middle and high school math teachers.
Libby continues to pursue equitable access to meaningful learning and educational opportunities. She believes we have an obligation to help each and every student see themself as a competent mathematician by nurturing individualized sense-making for mathematical ideas. While mathematics is an important artistic outlet for her, Libby’s primary artistic work happens in the kitchen.

Linda Njoh
Linda Njoh, PhD began her career in education as a high school teacher in Bronx, NY, for the NYC Department of Education. She later on assumed the role of peer collaborative teacher and mathematics coach, which allowed her to promote local effective instructional practices that were beneficial for diverse groups of students and to support her colleagues through focused coaching, inter-visitations, and designing meaningful opportunities for professional growth. She currently delivers professional development and instructional coaching in the northeastern part of the U.S. in her role as an educational consultant. Dr. Njoh is passionate about data analysis and how educators can utilize this tool in schools and districts nationwide to drive instruction and create more equity in classrooms. When she is not working, you can find her jumping on a trampoline with her daughter, going on hikes, and watching Korean dramas!

Lisa Matthews
Lisa began her career in education as a high school science and math teacher. For the past 20 years, she has worked with Mathematically Connected Communities (MC2), an organization committed to improving K–12 math teaching and learning in her home state of New Mexico. Lisa spent the first 15 years of her math education career focusing on 6–12. For the past 5 years, however, she has been digging into K–5 learning trajectories, partnering with teachers in their classrooms and implementing professional learning designed to help teachers understand how elementary students develop deep conceptual understanding.
Lisa believes students need to construct the meaning of mathematical ideas in ways that make sense to them, and she is passionate about helping teachers learn how to develop the ability to truly listen to children’s thinking. Lisa lives on a small ranch in south-central New Mexico and enjoys hiking, yoga, knitting, cooking, and connecting with friends and family.

Lisa Schuenke
Lisa began her career as a 5/6 combined teacher in Waterloo, WI. From there, she spent 10 years as a fourth-grade teacher with the School District of Fort Atkinson, also in WI. She recently retired from Fort Atkinson after serving as a district math interventionist. She was an integral part of the adoption of the Illustrative Mathematics program in that district and is now a proud certified K–5 facilitator for IM. Lisa is trained in Math Recovery and, with a colleague, presented at the 2018 National Math Recovery Conference in Colorado. Lisa is passionate about helping ALL learners succeed in math.. In her free time, Lisa enjoys traveling, playing golf, and spending time by the pool and with her family and dog, Rosey.

Liza Bondurant
Liza began her career as a 7–12 math teacher in upstate NY and is currently an associate professor of mathematics. Her teaching and research areas of interest are grounded in equity and include teacher noticing, simulations, and math technology. Liza was selected as the College Teacher of the Year in 2020 by the Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) and served as the President of the Mississippi Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (MAMTE) from 2017–2020. Liza enjoys staying active and crafting.

Lizzy Skousen
Lizzy resides in Dallas, Texas, where she writes curriculum for Illustrative Mathematics. She has taught middle school, high school, and collegiate mathematics. Her focus is on helping underperforming students succeed, and she is passionate about building a robust understanding of mathematics for students at every age and level. Lizzy is completing a Master’s Degree in Mathematics, with an emphasis on Cognitive Psychology, at Texas Woman’s University. She also teaches her five children, ranging in age from 1 to 12, how to be productive members of society. In her free time, Lizzy competes in Taekwondo tournaments and is currently ranked in the top 10 of the state.

Mallory Smith
Mallory began her career in education as a high school math teacher in Elkhart, IN, and currently works as an instructional coach in Hartford, WI. She was a member of the Wisconsin State Superintendent's Standards Review Council. She led her department in the adoption of 9–12 Illustrative Mathematics and earned her Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Mallory believes that all students deserve access to high-quality curriculum and instruction. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and watching her two boys play sports.

Margaret Betts
Margaret Betts began her teaching career in 2007 as a first-grade teacher for the Easthampton Public School District in Easthampton, MA, where she is currently a K–5 Instructional Coach. In 2013, she helped transform her school’s 21st Century After School Program (EEASP) by using the Math Practices as the driving curriculum framework for after school enrichment. Margaret was a recipient of the 2021 Pioneer Valley Excellent in Teaching Award. She is passionate about helping children and adult learners understand the complexity, beauty, and joy of our number system. Before becoming a teacher, Margaret was a lawyer with the Office of the Public Defender in Baltimore, Maryland.

Marla Goldberg
Marla began her career in education as a middle school teacher in 2008. For the past 13 years, she has been teaching fifth- and sixth-grade math and science in a public, progressive school district in Winnetka, IL. Marla has mentored new math teachers and has served as a leader on both her district math committee and grade-level professional learning community. She has also presented at regional NCTM conferences on problem solving in the classroom, something she is enthusiastic about. Marla is a passionate math educator who believes that math invites students to explore the world around them and prepares them for a brighter tomorrow. One fun fact about Marla is that she was a middle school math learner of a problem-based curriculum!

Mary Shaw-Lewis
Mary began her career in education as a 2nd/3rd grade multi-age teacher in rural North Carolina. She has 25+ years of experience serving as a teacher, coach, and professional learning facilitator. Mary is currently an independent consultant. She provides teachers, leaders, and districts with high-quality mathematics professional learning and instructional coaching to strengthen content knowledge and pedagogy in mathematics. Mary champions Illustrative Math’s vision that “all students should know, use, and enjoy mathematics.” Mary received her BS in elementary education from East Carolina University and her master’s degree in curriculum and supervision from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In addition, she is a National Board Certified teacher as a middle childhood generalist. She believes in the value of building awareness and highlighting equitable practices in mathematics education. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and friends.

Megan Alexander
Megan Alexander began her career in education as a high school math and science teacher after completing an MEd at the University of Notre Dame. She has worked primarily with multilingual learners for her entire career. She is an instructional coach for educators at all levels and has been designing and facilitating professional development, both in-person and virtually, since 2019. With a BS in mathematics and a BS in civil engineering, Megan loves helping learners find mathematical applications in the real world. She is an advocate for de-tracking mathematics and works to create classrooms where creative thinking, problem solving, and collaboration are at the core. When not working, Megan enjoys spending time outdoors soaking up the Arizona sunshine with her family.

Melissa Helmerich
Melissa Helmerich started teaching in a multi-age classroom and has taught in a variety of school settings. She has taught multiple grade levels throughout her career and spent five years as an instructional coach. During her time as an instructional coach, she helped her school implement Illustrative Mathematics. After seeing how all students could see themselves as mathematicians, Melissa returned to the classroom to experience an entire year of Illustrative Mathematics. This experience reinforced her belief that all students can learn when they experience good core instruction. When she is not teaching or learning, Melissa enjoys the Colorado outdoors.

Melissa Hilty
Melissa H. began her career in education as an elementary school teacher in 2007. She is currently teaching fifth grade math and science in a progressive public school district in Winnetka, IL. Melissa has played an integral role on her district’s math committee. Her contributions include writing curriculum, developing growth mindset strategies for all grade levels, strengthening differentiation practices, examining student math identity, and integrating inquiry into classroom practices. Melissa has also led professional development sessions on diverse topics such as the power of number talks, co-teaching with special education teachers, and cross-grades content progressions. Throughout her teaching career, Melissa has focused on cultivating a mathematical community where her students are engaged in mathematics by making sense of problems, sharing ideas with one another, and using critical-thinking skills. When she is not teaching, Melissa enjoys spending time outdoors with her family.

Meredith Dadigan Abel
Meredith began her career as a member of the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps at Boston College, where she taught fifth-grade while working toward her masters’ degree. She then moved to California, where she worked for 14 years as a teacher and dean for Aspire Public Schools. While at Aspire, Meredith received the California Charter School Teacher of the Year Award and became a semi-finalist for TNTP’s Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice. As a dean of instruction, she was able to effectively coach teachers to improve authentic academic discourse in math classrooms. Meredith believes every math classroom deserves a highly effective teacher who consistently demonstrates equitable teaching practices and creates a student-centered environment where all students are given the tools they need to access the curriculum. In her free time, she loves to spend time at parks and museums with her three young children.

Michelle Jacobsen
Michelle began her educational career as an elementary classroom teacher in Goose Lake, Iowa, where she taught second-, third-, and fourth-grade. She currently works as a math and school improvement consultant in eastern Iowa and teaches several courses at Upper Iowa University as an adjunct professor of education. She specializes in delivering professional learning for teachers based on mathematics, PLCs, MTSS, and social-emotional learning focusing on trauma-informed practices. Michelle is passionate about supporting the mathematical pedagogical knowledge and practices of teachers in the areas of academic safety, effective facilitation, and high-quality tasks which in turn foster positive perceptions of mathematics for students where they see themselves as mathematicians. When Michelle is not busy supporting teacher education students and current classroom teachers, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children, reading, bow hunting, traveling, and being on the lake.

Montana Smithey
Montana began her career in education teaching second-grade in NC and went on to teach Kindergarten, third-, and fourth-grade. Recognizing a need and desire to better support her students in math, she earned a Master’s degree in Elementary Education with a focus in Mathematics. Her life forever changed, as she saw math for what it was—a social activity that can be creative and used to enact change in communities. The pandemic did not stop her from finishing her PhD in Educational Studies, and she currently teaches elementary math methods courses to students at Georgia Southern University. Montana continues her love for learning through her research, which focuses on understanding how teachers learn to teach mathematics in culturally relevant ways—in particular, facilitating conversations around children’s mathematical thinking and problem solving. When she is not in education mode, Montana spends time with her family and is a frequent beach-goer.

Nancy Philbrick
Nancy began her career in education teaching fifth- and sixth-grade in Oxford, Maine, where she served on the district’s math committee. Currently, she is a math coach at a K–6 building in Lewiston, Maine. Nancy is a fellow of the Maine Governor’s Academy for math and science leadership and is trained as a math recovery specialist. She served as a coach and facilitator in the Math4ME project, which is designed to not only improve math proficiency of students with disabilities but to improve instructional practices for these students as well. Nancy also has extensive training in formative assessment in the mathematics classroom through the Education Development Center (EDC). She believes that no one is “not a math person” and that all students are capable learners of mathematics. Nancy enjoys being outdoors year-round and can be found hiking, cross-country skiing, or paddling on rivers and lakes.

Nikki Hutcheson
Nikki has been a classroom teacher for 18 years and is currently teaching fourth-grade math/science in Mechanicsburg, PA. For the past 15 years, she has also worked as an educational consultant, facilitating professional development focused on elementary math curriculum and instruction across the United States. Nikki has presented at national mathematics conferences and worked with countless school districts to assist with successful implementation of K–5 curricula. She believes that math is for all students and that no one is “good” or “bad” at math! Rather, all students are capable of understanding math concepts, especially when working with an effective, engaging teacher. When she is not working with teachers or students in the classroom (or on Zoom), Nikki loves spending time with her two children at the beach, teaching preschool gymnastics, reading for pleasure, and watching police/medical dramas like NCIS or Chicago Med.

Pamela Mabry
Pamela's life’s mission is to effectively provide every student with an equitable and culturally responsive math instruction that equips them with the essential tools needed to become successful, responsible citizens that reach their full potential as lifelong learners regardless of their socioeconomic status. She is motivated by her personal experiences to provide such access and opportunity to all students, especially those who face systemic barriers and inequities in education. She has authored printed curriculum with Open Up Resources, taught grades 2-8, and coached and supported teachers at both the elementary and secondary levels. When she is not working in schools to close achievement gaps by increasing teacher capacities, she is enjoying being a wife and mother of two beautiful young daughters. For Pamela, there is nothing better than a rainy day full of earthworms, mud pies, princess dresses, and rain boots!

Patty Hill
Patty began her career in education as an elementary teacher, moving on to become an elementary mathematics specialists serving various school communities in her district. Most recently, she worked at the district level in the special education department as an instructional consultant for math intervention, working with supervisors, administrators, teachers, staff, and students at all levels (birth through high school). She believes the best way to ensure high-quality and equitable math instruction is to embrace a growth mindset, investing time in professional learning for veteran and new teachers through coaching and mentoring. She believes it is tough in the classroom, and helping teachers to learn and grow through collaboration is time well spent. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time reading, crocheting, or crafting. She is also a big fan of the Disney parks and spends as much time as possible visiting with her two children in Florida.

Rachelle Ebanks
Rachelle Ebanks began her career as a high school math teacher in New Castle, DE. During her time as a high school teacher, she has had the opportunity to present at conferences, serve on the restorative practices and equity committees, and create learning environments that helped all kids learn. She is currently working to create project-based math learning experiences because she believes that math education should be a bridge for students into their futures and not a gate. Beyond work, she loves cookies (both eating them and baking them), time in nature, and has recently joined the pickleball craze.

Rebecca Rincon
Rebecca began student teaching in 2013 in Los Angeles, California. She had the opportunity to serve the students of LAUSD from 2014–16 and the students of Green Dot Public Schools from 2016–2019. A highlight of her career has been her current role as a curriculum coordinator at Burton School District, where she supports secondary math teachers through coaching and professional development. Rebecca is passionate about mathematics and strives to spread a love of learning, just as her teachers have done for her. She believes that every student should have access to high-quality math instruction from highly trained teachers. In her free time she enjoys spearheading side projects such as after school programs and math intervention.

Robin Anderson
Robin began her teaching career in Atlanta, GA, as a second-grade teacher. She has 16 years of experience teaching grades K–5. Throughout her career, she has served as a teacher leader and mentor, with acknowledgements for Outstanding Technology Teacher of the Year in both 2015 and 2016. She was also awarded the 2022 FPAD Teacher of the Year award in her community. Although Robin has been in Georgia for most of her professional career, she has also had the pleasure of educating students in South Carolina and Tennessee. Robin believes that all students are capable of learning and growing when provided with intentional and sound instruction! When Robin is not teaching, she enjoys attending her sons’ football games, spending time with her five children, reading, and occasionally traveling.

Robin Moore
Robin is a lead curriculum renewal coordinator at EdAdvance, one of Connecticut’s six Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs). She is also an educational consultant for Exemplars. She started her journey well over 20 years ago as an elementary classroom teacher. Robin’s passion for modeling a growth mindset for students and colleagues as well as an interest in helping build an understanding and love of mathematics led her to pursue a position as a math specialist. Over time, she became a K–8 math coordinator and then a K–12 STEM coordinator. She actively participates in multiple organizations, such as Connecticut Council of Leaders of Mathematics and Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut. She loves to share her experiences at various conferences like ATMNE, NCTM, and NCSM. When not promoting a love for mathematics, Robin enjoys gardening, gymnastics, and spending time with her family.

Rosanne ODonnell
Rosanne began her career in education as an elementary teacher and assistant principal in Plymouth, MA. She earned an MEd in School Leadership with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction. Later, Rosanne moved to educational publishing, which led to working with UCSMP authors and the start of Everyday Mathematics K–6. As a field associate, she wrote and conducted promotional presentations, implementation trainings, follow-up workshops, administrator overviews, user-conferences, and other topical sessions. Through this work, Rosanne experienced the impact of quality instruction. Later, as the Everyday Mathematics specialist at McGraw-Hill, she continued to support EM in the same capacity. Currently, Rosanne works as an independent math consultant, committed to helping elementary teachers change the way they view and teach mathematics. She believes that all students can learn to understand and appreciate mathematics with instruction that is tailored to individual learning styles. Rosanne’s interests are gardening, cooking, and spending time along the New England coast.

Sari Toplin
Sari began teaching in the Bronx, NY, as an elementary special education teacher and now runs a math tutoring organization, Make It Count Math, in New Orleans, LA. She worked as an elementary teacher, special education teacher, math specialist, assistant principal, and founded the math intervention program at Bricolage Academy in New Orleans. Sari believes that math should be a joyful experience for students and teachers. Shevalues the roles of discussion, feedback, and game playing in math teaching and learning. When she is not spending time with her friends and family, Sari enjoys hand embroidery, dance, and reading.

Shari Hartwig
Shari began her career as a fifth-grade teacher and is currently a learning coordinator for the Mead School District in Spokane, Washington. Shari spent many years teaching mathematics as an interventionist and a teacher of the highly capable, both of which fed her passion for ensuring all students receive high-quality instruction to meet their individual needs. She has been a Washington State Math Fellow for over seven years, working to support teachers in her district and region. She also specializes in assessment and has worked with her state and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium in developing assessment items and performance tasks. When not supporting teachers in their math learning, she enjoys working in her garden and creating with her kids in their craft room.

Sheila Brookshire
Sheila has benefited from her 42 years of experience teaching students in both middle and high school, collaborating with teachers as an instructional coach, and facilitating professional development for teachers locally and out of state. She is an active member of North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, serving as secondary vice-president for the western region, conference program co-chair, and state vice president for middle school. Some of her professional accomplishments include attaining NBPTS certification, being chosen as a member of NC Teacher Leadership Network, being a lead teacher for the ARMS Project, participating as a trainer for NC Teacher Academy, and facilitating for the MELT program at ASU. Although retired, she considers herself a life-long learner and continues to be actively involved in mathematics education. She alos enjoys reading, playing with her granddaughter, and traveling.

Shelby Strong
Shelby began her career as a secondary math teacher in the Greater New Orleans area and has an MAr in Teaching Mathematics from Mount Holyoke College. During her time as a math teacher, she served as a Louisiana Teacher Leader and helped develop supplemental curriculum supports for her district. She has facilitated professional development at the local, state, and national level, including presenting for the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE), the Louisiana NCTM affiliate (LATM), and writing a series of blog posts for NCTM and an article for Edutopia. In 2021, Shelby launched her educational consulting company, Stronger Math, LLC. She believes in disrupting the myth of the “math person” and helping everyone find joy in mathematics. When she is not discussing math education, she enjoys losing herself in a good book or video game and spending time with friends and family.

Sonja Twedt
Sonja began her career as a middle school math teacher in Oregon, WI. She is currently a middle school math instructional coach and interventionist in Fort Atkinson, WI. Sonja has led K–8 professional development around shifts in the Common Core State Standards. She has also led book discussions in her district and on Twitter around The 5 Practices in Practice and Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Trained in Math Recovery, she and a colleague presented “Beyond the Algorithm: Getting Students Ready for Algebra through Structuring” at the 2018 National Math Recovery Conference. Sonja believes in the power that high quality mathematics instruction has as an equalizer of opportunity for underserved and underrepresented students. She is passionate about creating mathematics classrooms where ALL students have access to high quality, equitable, and FUN math instruction. In her free time, Sonja enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with her family.

Starlette Harrington
Starlette began her career in education over two decades ago, focusing on K-12 mathematics curriculum and instructional coaching. Currently, she serves as a professional development consultant, empowering educators through problem-based instruction that significantly enhances student engagement and achievement. Throughout her career, she has successfully implemented data-driven strategies to boost teacher effectiveness and foster deep understanding of mathematics through innovative curriculum design. Her passion for mathematics education stems from her belief in its power to develop critical-thinking skills, which are crucial for equitable and high-quality education. Outside of her professional life, she enjoys working in her yard, taking walks, and spending time with family.

Tenisha Marcel-Herbert
Dr. Tenisha Marcel-Herbert, Senior Lead Educator of Elementary Math S.Q.U.A.D.S. for District of Columbia Public Schools, brings nearly two decades of educational experience to Illustrative Mathematics. She has served as a teacher, administrator, and Mathematics Instructional Coach across elementary and secondary levels. In her tenure as a Curriculum Coordinator in New Orleans Public Schools, she created and spearheaded professional development in both reading and mathematics. Known fondly as the "Olivia Pope of education," Dr. T also imparts her knowledge as an Adjunct Professor at Stockton University in Urban Education. Beyond her professional commitments, she actively volunteers in her community, showcases her culinary skills as the owner of a small catering business, and serves as Northeast Regional Director of the Benjamin Banneker Association. Dr. T advocates for education's transformative potential in fostering personal growth, effecting positive change, and advancing humanity.

Tiayana Marks
Tiayana began her career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher. She worked for many years as a mathematics content specialist for the New York City Department of Education overseeing the development of city-wide mathematics assessments. She also supported the development of state and national assessments and the development of high-quality instructional materials. As the executive director, mathematics at a national nonprofit, Tiayana focused on supporting teachers, districts, and instructional and school leaders with implementing standards-aligned curriculum and improving instructional practice. Currently, she works as an education consultant, supporting universities, nonprofits, districts, and schools.
Tiayana believes all children should feel comfortable and supported in the learning of mathematics and that teaching should leverage discipline-specific pedagogical practices that engage and value the capacity and humanity of all children. Tiayana enjoys spending time with family and friends and traveling as often as she can.

Traci Jackson
Traci began her career teaching mathematics in grades 5–12 at a small private school. After many years of classroom teaching at all levels, she is now a mathematics teacher on special assignment working with K–12 teachers. Traci is a current doctoral student in mathematics education, with a research interest in cultivating curiosity in mathematics classrooms. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and a recipient of the Rosenthal Prize for Innovation and Inspiration in Math Teaching. Traci finds joy and satisfaction in watching students embrace and trust their mathematical thinking. She believes mathematics learning should be playful, social, challenging, and rewarding. In her free time, Traci enjoys camping, hiking, and spelunking.

Tricia Bevans
Tricia is a K–-12 outreach specialist for the mathematics department at the University of Oregon. In this role, she teaches math content courses for pre-service elementary teachers and provides professional learning to K–12 math teachers. Over the past 15 years, Triciahas been involved with efforts to promote coherence in math education, consulting on projects such as Standards For Success, Smarter Balanced Digital Library, and reviewing Khan Academy Common Core State Standards math items.
Always working to improve the implementation of best pedagogical practices in her own teaching, Tricia is a member of the UO’s Teaching Academy and a participant in the Summer Institutes for Scientific Teaching. With a rocky start in elementary math that eventually led to a Master’s in Mathematics from the University of Oregon, Tricia is passionate about supporting teachers in discovering the wonder and power of mathematics for themselves and their students.

Vanita Beavers
Vanita began her career in education as an elementary teacher in Charlotte, NC. Her professional path has offered her several rich experiences as a K–5 math facilitator, instructional coach, and school administrator. Through these roles, her greatest accomplishments have occurred at the micro-level, in the classroom, impacting teachers’ practices, extending their effectiveness, and helping them to fall deeper in love with their craft.
Vanita’s passion for mathematics education grew out of her personal struggles with math as a K–12 learner. This passion only grew stronger as she began dismantling math fears for herself and her students. When she is not engaged in her work as an educator, Vanita loves good food, hot yoga, and visiting new places.

Wendy DenBesten
Wendy started teaching high school math in Michigan but spent most of her career teaching in Fresno, CA. She left the classroom in 2022, is semi-retired, and works various consulting gigs. Wendy is proud to have contributed to several well-known curricula, including College Board's Math with Meaning, SpringBoard Mathematics, Eureka Math/Engage New York, Eureka Math^2, and Illustrative Math's AGA courses. She is an experienced national and local professional learning facilitator. Career highlights include advising her school's math team and the Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Achievement (MESA) program affiliated with CSU and UC universities. Wendy loves the classroom moments of flow when she and the students are just in the moment: laughing, learning, and loving the math. Fun fact: She is a lefty and proud of it!