IM 9–12 MATH

Illustrative Mathematics’ collaborative model invites students to talk and write about math, listen to each other’s ideas, justify their thinking, and critique the reasoning of others to further develop their mathematical understanding.
IM 9–12 Math has earned top ratings from EdReports in every review category.
View Reports:
Imagine Learning
Kendall Hunt
Algebra 1 is available now.
High School Integrated Math 1 will be available soon. Geometry, Algebra 2, and Integrated Math 2 and 3 courses will be available for back to school 2025.
Ready to get started with IM 9–12 Math?
A coherent progression of learning
IM v.360 is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards and provides the proper focus, rigor, and coherence required to achieve grade-level mathematics. Courses, units, lessons, activities, and representations are sequenced to help students develop an understanding of mathematical concepts, build fluency with procedures, and solve mathematical problems that reflect their lived experiences. Each unit and lesson is designed to build on what students previously learned and is part of a mathematical story that spans units and grade levels. This coherence allows students to view mathematics as a connected set of ideas.
Academic language development
Students acquire mathematical language by actively exploring and learning mathematics. Tasks encourage students to use informal language while making sense of concepts, and introduce academic language as they strengthen their mathematical understanding. The curriculum provides opportunities to develop mathematical language through social interaction and collaboration, and through the use of math language routines (MLRs). These routines also provide opportunities for English learners to engage in the specialized academic language demands of reading, writing, speaking, listening, conversing, and representing in math.
Culturally responsive pedagogy
Culturally responsive pedagogy supports students in building positive mathematical identities by providing mirrors to reflect their own cultures and experiences, and windows to see the cultures and experiences of others. Problem-solving contexts that positively reflect diverse cultures are applied to courses in grades 9–12 to encourage an inclusive mathematics community and build upon students’ prior knowledge of mathematics, language, and culture. Throughout the curriculum, students engage in collaborative learning opportunities that center student thinking and allow students to participate authentically.
Embedded teacher supports
Each unit, section, and lesson begins with a narrative to describe the mathematical work that will unfold, how it connects to what students have previously learned, and how it will prepare students for future coursework. Lessons and activities end with a synthesis that supports teachers in clearing up any misconceptions or questions students may have encountered during their learning. Throughout lessons and activities, teachers can find guidance on providing more access with embedded language support, UDL guidelines, and enrichment opportunities for students who need them. Finally, teachers are invited to develop and refine their practice with reflection questions centered around math content, student thinking, pedagogy, and access and equity.
A High School Curriculum That Tells a Story
Teacher-tested, standards-aligned, and research-based
Designed for high school learners, IM 9–12 Math v.360 encourages the problem-solving skills students need to better understand the real world. The story of each course is told in units. Each unit and lesson within a unit includes a narrative that describes the mathematical work that will unfold.
IM 9–12 Math earned EdReports’ highest ratings across all three review gateways: focus and coherence; rigor and mathematical practices; and usability. EdReports is a highly regarded independent nonprofit that reviews K–12 curricula for standards alignment and quality. Read the full analyses for Kendall Hunt and Imagine Learning.

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Featured IM 9–12 Math Blog Posts
The Algebra 1 course in IM 9–12 Math™ begins with a unit on one-variable statistics, a choice that many find surprising. Why start with statistics? And where does it go from there? As in all IM courses, the arrangement of units in Algebra 1 is informed both by a progression of mathematical ideas and by key principles on mathematics teaching and learning.
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All students can be successful in mathematics. For most mathematics educators, we lean into this. We believe that all students can learn mathematics, that they can be successful. However, as we focus our lens on the word all, what do we see?
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How can educators act on these beliefs, in teaching and learning with IM 6–12 Math™, to craft learning communities and experiences in which each learner knows, uses, and enjoys mathematics?
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In my role at IM, working with teachers and administrators, I am asked to help with the challenges of implementing an IM curriculum. We are often asked, “How can I differentiate instruction while using this curriculum?” or “What resources does IM offer to support differentiation?”
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Supporting high-school students to write detailed, precise proofs is challenging. Learn about some of the design elements that IM used to invite students to a deep exploration of proof.
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IM Certified® IM Professional Learning
IM Professional Learning for mathematics is deeply integrated with the curriculum. The program provides teachers and leaders long-term, sustainable support for developing, refining, and reflecting on instructional practices.

IM v.360 certified by Illustrative Mathematics is only available from our IM Certified® partners.
Our partners offer the ideal curriculum experience because they share our commitment to providing the IM Certified curriculum to all teachers and students as it is meant to be experienced, in the format needed to ensure success.
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