IM Trademark Usage Policy
We would like to kindly inform our visitors, partners, and associates that we have registered specific trademarks which are to be used in accordance with the rules set forth in this legal notice and elsewhere on our website.
In compliance with the Trademark Act, each use of Illustrative Mathematics’ registered marks such as “IM” will be accompanied by the official registration symbol, “®”, typically positioned directly after the mark and slightly above or below it as a superscript or subscript. We aim to place the registration symbol on all new advertising, marketing materials, and press releases while the existing stockpiles are gradually updated.
The placement of the “®” symbol might be subject to aesthetic considerations. In such cases, alternative placements are permissible. However, it should be noted that consistent usage of the official registration symbol is critical for ensuring complete protection under the Trademark Act. In accordance with the Trademark Act, Section 29, the failure to use the registration symbol can bar the recovery of profits and damages against an infringer who did not have actual notice of the registration.
For legal sufficiency, the symbol “®” should be applied either the first time a registered mark is used in digital or printed collateral, or on the most prominent use of a mark in such material.
In light of the chronic misuse of our registered marks by third parties, and the importance of these marks to our brand, we are introducing a dedicated “legal” section on our website, This new section will enumerate all the registrations that Illustrative Mathematics currently owns, providing a clear reference for our partners and the public.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in respecting our trademark usage policy. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to contact us at
Brand Guidelines for users of the CC BY materials
Illustrative Mathematics®️ and IM®️ are registered trademarks and the names of a 501(c)(3) corporation. The company has created curricula trademarked as IM K–12 Math™ and offered under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Although this license requires an attribution, it also states that the Illustrative Mathematics® name and logo are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written consent of Illustrative Mathematics®. Entities who create and sell products based on IM K–12 Math™ are free to call their product anything they like as long as it does not suggest an association or relationship with Illustrative Mathematics®.
In secondary messaging it is appropriate to say, Product Name is based on the IM K–12 Math™ authored by Illustrative Mathematics®.
Schools and districts that access the free version should refer to the curriculum as IM K–12 Math™ by Illustrative Mathematics®. The grade band can be adjusted as appropriate (i.e., K–5, 6–12, etc) .
For more information about the license, visit Creative Commons.
Schools and districts will always have free access to IM 360 on our website under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. In order to ensure alignment with our design principles and instructional model, providers wishing to make commercial use of the materials will need to obtain a commercial license. Please direct enquiries about commercial licensing to