IM Certified® curricula are the complete curricula authored and reviewed by Illustrative Mathematics.
IM Certified curricula are:
- guaranteed to be authored, reviewed, and updated by IM
- assured to have the rigor, structure, and coherence as intended by the IM authors
- available exclusively via IM Certified distribution partners, with oversight from the IM authors
IM Certified Curriculum Distribution Partners
IM Certified distribution partners exclusively offer IM Certified curricula for free and with enhanced teacher and student experiences in digital and print formats. More choices and flexibility in print and digital formats allow you to meet the specific needs of your district, and receive the most current versions available. IM distribution partners sell IM Certified® Professional Learning led by IM Certified® facilitators.
IM Certified Distribution Partners:
- are the sole providers of the IM Certified curricula
- are strategically aligned with IM’s mission and goals
- guarantee their curriculum enhancements are thoroughly vetted by the IM authors
- are always the first to offer the latest versions of IM Certified curricula
- give a portion of proceeds from sales back to IM for the ongoing development and enhancement of the curriculum and professional learning
IM Certified Supplemental Materials Partners
IM supplemental partners produce materials to support the successful implementation of the IM curriculum. The IM team thoroughly reviews these materials to ensure they are true to the original intent of the IM curriculum.
IM Certified Professional Learning Service Partners
Our network of IM Certified partners connects motivated educators with IM Certified facilitators who are specially trained to deliver high-quality professional learning to teachers, coaches, and district leaders in districts that have adopted IM’s curriculum.