
High school math curricula offered by IM Certified partners Kendall Hunt and LearnZillion earn high marks for focus and coherence, rigor and mathematical practices, and usability

Tucson, AZ — March 26, 2020 — Illustrative Mathematics (IM) announced today that its  IM Certified Distribution Partners, Kendall Hunt and LearnZillion, have met expectations in all three EdReports Gateways for its IM 9–12 Math certified by Illustrative Mathematics. EdReports is a highly regarded independent nonprofit that reviews K–12 curricula for standards alignment and quality. Educators can access the individual EdReports for both organizations by visiting the reports for Kendall Hunt and LearnZillion, respectively.

Released in 2019, IM 9–12 Math meets expectations for alignment to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for high school, including expectations for focus and coherence in Gateway 1 and for rigor and balance in Gateway 2. In Gateway 3, it meets expectations for being well-designed and taking into account effective lesson structure and pacing.

“When schools and districts adopt mathematics curricula, they want to know they’re choosing the highest quality instructional materials available,” said Dr. William McCallum, IM co-founder and CEO. “This rating from EdReports gives educators peace of mind that they are adopting a program fully vetted by a diverse group of educators who deeply understand college- and career-ready standards and the importance of high-quality instructional materials.” 

The IM 9–12 Math curriculum framework fosters a deep understanding of high school mathematics. It focuses on nurturing a comprehensive proficiency with functions, algebra, geometry, modeling, and statistics, and it also includes materials for students who need extra support for success in Algebra 1. The problem-based pedagogy leverages the latest understanding of how people learn mathematics, and the principles of universal design make state and national standards accessible to all learners. The curriculum attends carefully to the balance between conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and applications. 

In 2018, IM 6–8 Math certified by Illustrative Mathematics was among the first middle school math curricula to meet expectations across all three gateways in EdReports.

Currently, IM 6–8 Math and  IM 9–12 Math curricula have been implemented in 18,000 classrooms in 745 school districts, including 270 districts with significant Title I populations.  

About Illustrative Mathematics

Illustrative Mathematics is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where learners know, use, and enjoy mathematics. We develop and deliver core mathematics curricula along with deeply integrated professional learning experiences that ensure students receive engaging, high-quality mathematics instruction. Learn more at www.illustrativemathematics.org. 

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