
Upcoming IM K–12 Math Professional Learning Events

Our network of IM Certified Partners offers professional learning opportunities year round that help educators, coaches, and administrators successfully implement our curriculum and create an engaging mathematics classroom.


Since 1966, the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC), working with and for its member districts, has developed a wide array of cost-effective and high-quality programs and services to meet the educational needs of children and adults in Greater Hartford.


There are no academies scheduled at this time. 

Kendall Hunt


There are no academies scheduled at this time. 

Mathematics Institute of Wisconsin

The Mathematics Institute of Wisconsin provides a full suite of offerings tailored to complement the IM curriculum and build educator capacity to implement the materials with fidelity. Our team of IM Certified Facilitators are ready to support you onsite or online as you implement the IM K–12 Math.

IM 6-12 Math: Vertical Alignment – Geometry

April 17, 2025

The purpose of this session is to uncover and explore the development of geometry topics in the curriculum.

Michigan Math and Science Leadership Network (MMSLN)

MMSLN offers a suite of learning experiences designed to take educators on a deep-dive of the curriculum to explore problem-based learning and how they can implement it in their classrooms. Educators experience IM Math lessons, practice and rehearse key routines, explore various embedded supports for students with disabilities and English language learners, understand assessment materials and begin to use student thinking as a vehicle for productive planning.

There are no academies scheduled at this time. 

Giveing Tuedsday Heart

Support Free Math Instruction for All Learners

As a nonprofit, we rely on the support of our generous community. Each contribution allows us to reach more classrooms, develop new educational materials, and create opportunities that inspire curiosity and a love for learning.