IM K–12 Math™ professional learning certified by Illustrative Mathematics®
Our expertly trained facilitators provide exceptional guidance and training.
To improve mathematics teaching and learning, and close achievement gaps, teachers need access to high-quality tools and continued learning.
IM Certified Professional Learning is expert-authored and deeply integrated with the curriculum, guiding teachers and leaders through instructional and practice shifts to provide long-term, sustainable support for improving instruction and boosting student achievement.
Professional Learning certified by Illustrative Mathematics is delivered through our IM Certified Facilitators, who undergo a rigorous qualification and training process to gain mastery in delivering impactful professional learning experiences based on the author’s intent. IM Certified Facilitators deliver learning educators need, in a variety of formats, including onsite academies and live virtual classrooms.
If you have questions about IM’s Professional Learning offerings, contact your service provider for more information.
Click here to access Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to IM’s Professional Learning offerings.
Full-day and multi-day sessions are available with an IM Certified Facilitator who comes to your school to lead professional learning.
- Onsite sessions are best for seeing examples of in-person instruction.
- Longer sessions provide the opportunity to go deeper, discuss additional topics, and apply our learning.
- Especially great for the implementation launch and full-day workshops throughout the year.
Two-hour interactive virtual sessions by grade-band, or flexible grade-specific hands-on sessions
- Highly interactive, with demonstrations of effective online learning.
- Wide selection of highly-experienced facilitators from around the country.
- Especially useful for ongoing PL embedded in the teaching day.