Download IM’s Stories of Grades K–5 free ebook!
In the Stories of Grades K–5 ebook, you will read the stories of the mathematics of each course of IM K–5 Math, detailed by authors of the curriculum. These stories convey the coherent structure of grade-level content, how concepts are developed for students, and the deliberate choice of tools and representations used in each grade, from kindergarten through grade 5. You will also learn about key design features of IM K–5 Math, including structures to develop strong math communities, instructional routines to invite all students to think deeply about math concepts, and teacher reflection prompts to support responsive instruction.

Alex Clayton
Kindergarten Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I

Sara Baranauskus
Grade 1 Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I

Deborah Peart
Grade 2 Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I

Zack Hill
Grade 3 Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I

Kaneka Turner
Grade 4 Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I

Sarah Caban
Grade 5 Lead, IM K–5 Math v.I